All Wisdom

Wisdom is an effort to maximize happiness in order to suppress suffering, according to the perspective of sun cromics, everything is always about wisdom. According to Media Indonesia, wisdom is important for everyone, without exception. Wisdom guides us to act more calmly so that harmony in society is maintained. That way, peace in the lives of individuals, society, and the world will be easier to achieve. Research by Sahrani et al (2014) resulted in the finding that a wise person always reflects on his difficult life experiences. Every individual can be expected to have experienced difficult life experiences, which are individual and subjective to those who experience them. If he does self-reflection, or evaluates the experience, he too can potentially be a wise person. According to Baltes and Staudinger (2000), people can be wise if they have several factors: general, special, and additional. Common factors include general ability / adequate intelligence to solve or find solutions to problems, mental health, openness to new things or experiences, emotional maturity. Specific factors, for example, the existence of experience in overcoming problems, practicing on role models in overcoming problems, and the existence of motivation to achieve perfection. There are different views on when it is time for people to be wise. The first view states that people will have the potential to become wise when they are elderly, even when they are around 61 years old and over (Helson & Srivastava, 2002). However, the second view suggests that everyone can be wise. Young people can also act wisely because they already have the seeds of wisdom due to the influence of education and association and experience (Pasupathi & Staudinger, 2001). Sahrani's other research also proves that even young people already have their own standards regarding what are the characteristics of a wise person (Sahrani, 2018). So, anyone can be wise, the problem is just what factors influence it. Difficult life experiences are very useful for self-reflection, especially for adolescents. It is not a foreign story that our former freedom fighters were generally people who were wrought with various difficulties. However, in the end they transformed into true statesmen. So, young people who have had difficult life experiences have more potential to become wise people. Grossman (2018) conducted research on this subject and suggested teaching wisdom through philosophy and religion lessons. The author believes that adolescents have the potential to be wise so that they can be taught and trained to become wise people. However, adolescents still need exemplary and direction from their closest circle, such as parents and teachers, so that their potential wisdom develops more quickly.

Product: All Wisdom
Category: T-shirts
Material: Premium Cotton 30s
(Made in Bangladesh)
No edge seams
Screen Printing: Digital Plastisol
Size: S (Sold❎), M, L,
XL (Sold❎), XXL (Sold❎)
Price: IDR 149,000.00
Pre-Order Discount:
IDR 99,000.00
Code: ts01-01

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